Friday, April 22, 2011

Post of the Children

These children a re many in number,and their need can not be handle by on person or a single family. we created this blog to carry out the awareness to you all for you support toward. there
are many need that need to be meat and,they need education,medications,food and wearing. we pray and ask you to make a donation toward the program here in Liberia
Many family who do not have the hand to support their kids or unable to feed them on a daily basic,and provide them medication righter send them to school are coming to appeal to the GUARDIAN FUNDING INC... they are appealing for their Kid to be help. They have admitted the suffering they are Going through, Like this, she is old and she have her grand child who father is unknowing and the child stays with,but her she is appealing for support to for her child to join the orphans and the widow program.

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